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Book of the Month – March 2014

The Power of Intention by Dr Wayne W. Dyer Change the Way You Look at Things and The Things You Look at Will Change Dr. Wayne Dyer writes about the Four Steps to Intention and says that: “Activating your power of intention is a process of connecting with your...

No Smoking Day – 12 March 2014

Fight For Every Heartbeat – British Heart Foundation Stop Smoking in 2 Easy Steps with the award winning “Easy Quit Smoking Programme” Experience the freedom of being a Non-Smoker with No Cravings & No Weight Gain. Save 20% when you book before 30/04/2014...

Book of The Month – May 2013

Loving What Is by Byron Katie – Four Questions That Can Change Your Life The Work began on a February morning in 1986, when Byron Katie woke up on the floor of a halfway house, at a complete dead end in her life, and began to laugh. She had woken up without any...