07846 989439

Help With

Counselling can help with the following issues:

Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder or compulsive overeating is a condition that affects millions of people who have…

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Weight Management

Relationship With Food

Are you using food to cope with the pressures of life or for emotional comfort rather than for self nourishment?…

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Confidence & Self-Esteem

Self Esteem

Having high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem can make a great improvement to your life…

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Depression is one of the most common psychological problems affecting nearly everyone at some time…

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Stress Relief

Stress Relief

Stress can best be described as a physical, emotional, and psychological strain caused by our body’s…

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Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Anxiety is often caused by excessive stress and worry about some unpleasant or negative thing that…

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Grief, Loss & Bereavement

Grief & Loss

Grieving is a powerful and personal process that is unique to each individual as each person grieves…

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Counselling for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Childhood Trauma 

I work with individuals who have experienced abuse or trauma in the past, particularly during…

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“Quantum Leaps are those moments of revelation or transformation in which an old way of seeing or experiencing yourself, other people, or the world, changes in a fundamental way.  From the ashes of the old, something new arises. Inside yourself, you can tell that something has fallen into place or taken shape in a new way.”

Bill Harris

How can we work together?

I offer an Initial Assessment as an opportunity to meet before you commit to therapy. This also gives us a chance to discuss your current difficulties, goals for therapy and see whether we are the best fit for each other.


Talking Can Help

Contact details

To book an Initial Assessment please call 07846 989439 or fill in the main form here and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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